
Throwing Up Bunnies: The Irreverent Interlopings of Triple Candie: 2001-2016

The Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, January 21 - April 2, 2017

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From the museum's website:

"Created and run by art historians Shelly Bancroft and Peter Nesbett (Phillips Academy Class of 1984), Triple Candie—initially a non-profit art gallery founded in Harlem in 2001—first gained attention for organizing D.I.Y. retrospectives without artists’ permissions or artwork—instead, it used printed reproductions and surrogates. Later, it promoted the work of fictional artists, exhibited broken bottles and rocks as historical artifacts, and hired an actor to protest one of its exhibitions. Vilified by some, revered by others, and always generating lively discussion, Triple Candie was called 'Manhattan’s one truly alternative alternative space' by The New York Times and 'one of the most mysterious and contemporary art institutions on the contemporary scene' by the Milan-based publication Domus. While the gallery in Harlem no longer exists, Triple Candie continues to produce exhibitions that are presented throughout the world with the goal of posing fundamental questions about the value of art and the nature of artistic experience.

The first museum survey to focus on Triple Candie, this exhibition will present a selection of past and new projects. During the fall of 2016, Triple Candie also served as the Edward E. Elson Artists-in-Residence."

The exhibition included partial recreations, often unfaithful, of David Hammons: The Unauthorized Retrospective, Cady Noland Approximately, Undoing the Ongoing Bastardization of the Migration of the Negro by Jacob Lawrence, as well as never-before realized projects The Harrogate Seven, Let the Artists Die (after Kantor), and a new project,Throwing Up Bunnies.







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