The Matthew Higgs Society, founded in 2006, is a non-membership-based honorary society dedicated to fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of the varied accomplishments of the British-born artist, curator, and writer Matthew Higgs. The Society maintains a living archive on Higgs' life & career, which is open to the public by appointment.

Matthew Higgs is a popular and widely respected arts professional who, since 2004, has been the Executive Director and Chief Curator of White Columns. From 2001 - 2004, he was curator of the Watts Institute of Contemporary Art in San Francisco, and prior to that he was a curator at the ICA in London. In 2009, Higgs curated the Greek Pavillion at the 53rd Venice Biennale. In 2006, he was a jury member for the Turner Prize. He writes frequently for Artforum, Frieze, and other publications.

The Higgs archive includes writings by and about Higgs, press clippings, reproductions of Higgs' artwork, documentation and ephemera related to exhibitions he has curated, copies of W.C. (White Columns 'zine), a facsimile of IMPRINT 93, photographs of him at parties and special events, ephemera not relating to Higgs but reminding people of him, and more.

Donations of materials related to Matthew Higgs to the Society's archive are encouraged. Please send to: Matthew Higgs Society, c/o Triple Candie, 500 W148th Street, New York, NY 10031.



The MH Societiy's Reading Room at 500 W148th Street, Harlem >
The MH Societiy's Reading Room at 461 W126th Street, Harlem (2006-2008) >