655 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Riddle #10: Spiderwomen Theatre
November 11 – December 17, 2022
Description: A handsome tapestry, originally made by Triple Candie for an exhibition at the Portland Art Museum in Oregon, has been re-embellished with strands of beads, plastic leaves, and other objects and placed on a pink wall. It celebrates the legacy of the Spiderwomen Theatre, a pioneering New York City Indigenous collective. The aesthetic of the tapestry is consistent in style with objects fabricated in other Triple Candie productions and bears no intentional relationship to the cultural production of any Indigenous communities.
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About the Spiderwomen Theatre [adapted from the Spiderwomen Theatre website]:
Founded in 1976, Spiderwomen Theatre presents exceptional theatre performance and offers theater training and education rooted in an urban Indigenous performance practice. The collective sprang out of the feminist movement and the disillusionment with the treatment of women in radical political movements of the time. They have questioned gender roles, cultural stereotypes, and sexual and economic oppression. They have taken on issues of sexism, racism, classism, and the violence in women’s lives. Their work bridges the traditional cultural art forms of storytelling, dance, and music and the practice of contemporary Western theater. Sisters and elders Lisa Mayo, Gloria Miguel, and Muriel Miguel, who are from the Kuna and Rappahannock nations, currently form the core of the company.