655 Pennsylvania Avenue SE

Ha(u)te Couture
June 15 – July14, 2022

"Ha(u)te Couture" consists of a defaced black & white Xerox enlargement of a fashion advertisement. The original image depicted a white couple in formal attire. The woman wears a tiara.

We defaced the image before scanning it (we spilled white paint on the advertisement) and then again when we installed it by adding various elements on top of the it (orange paper, photo-collage elements, black electrical tape, framed Triple Candie announcement cards from the 2000s, a black & white portrait of Glen Campbell, a stained and fraying red towel, and other elements). In the doorway, approximately one week after installation, we added three, small abstract paintings on an irregular sheet of orange paper.


  1. Shows: 2021+
  2. Shows: 2011–20
  3. Shows: 2009–10


Photo-documentation >